
The mastery of any language has to be nurtured by making it a way of life. At AZKEN, passion and interest for the language will be stimulated through the use of thematic themes. The themes relate closely to the students and this helps create interest and hence stimulate sharing of related vocabulary and concepts around the topics.

Classroom sharing with their fellow classmates on their ideas helps to build con?dence in presentation skills. The ?no-wrong door? policy allows students to freely share their views on the topics and learn from one another concurrently.


Students are exposed to science at Primary Three where they learn the fundamentals of the subject. This knowledge is further developed at Upper Primary levels and extended into Physics, Chemistry and Biology separately at Secondary level.

At AZKEN, our mentors guides the students to apply the knowledge and making learning fun with applications to everyday activities, thus bringing science to life.


From Primary Mathematics to Secondary Mathematics (Elementary and Additional Maths), our mentors are equipped to help students apply the knowledge to today’s challenging questions.The study of Mathematics is not limited to pure textbook techniques or examples. The mentors broaden the scope by bringing in day-to day examples to illustrate the applications.


学习华文是现代学生的一大障碍.原因很简单.现代家庭很少在日常 生活里使用华文.语言是很奥妙的.我们必须常说常用才能运用自如. 华文文化是一个拥有有悠久历史的语言.每个字的写法都有它的来 源与原理.因此只要同学们能了解字的源头,学习华文将事半功倍.再加上同学们与老师的互动与交流更能激发同学们对华文的兴趣与 热诚,间接培养出一个自我推动,探索的学习态度.

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