Raquel Twigg 
Year 2021
My daughter is naturally shy and reserved; to many teachers she may seem hard to engage, but she has responded really well to Mr Lim. He has helped her feel more confident in Maths, and her results in Science have certainly improved. We are feeling very hopeful for very good results in the upcoming PSLE. According to her, Mr Lim is firm, but also adds in humour and light moments in the lessons. From a parent's perspective, Mr Lim and the centre in general, a high level of professionalism, competence and dedication is apparent. Thank you for all your hard work and genuine concern for each student!
Rongxian An 
Year 2021
With the COVID-19 restrictions, Mr Lim, Jessica’s teacher, was able to conduct online lessons which were just as useful and informative as physical lessons and Jessica found herself able to follow with what was taught.

The lessons were all straight to the point and Mr Lim was willing to go the extra mile by picking out especially hard questions from past-year papers and helping the students understand how to solve them and similar questions. With the help of the teachers, Jessica is now able to apply several tactics taught and has improved tremendously since Primary 5 !
Thank you AZKEN !
Susan Heng 
Year 2021
Mr Lim is very committed. He works with parents base on our feedback and adjust his teaching method. He do not charge for the extra lessons that he has given when he feels my child needed. I would conclude he teach with a heart and not as a business module. Definitely will highly recommend.
yma yma 
Year 2021
Even before phase 2HA, AZKEN shifted their classes to online without delay when a confirmed case was announced in the same building. As a parent, i feel safe with their immediate actions.
During online classes, Mr Lim ensures that the kids are learning well on track and staying focus at the same time.
Appreciate Mr Lim's time for arranging extra online lessons during this holiday to make sure the kids understand and able to apply the techniques correctly.
Thank you Mr Lim & AZKEN!
Carolyn Sekia Tan 
Year 2021
In the beginning, I had my doubts on how effective a Zoom class can be. However, AZKEN (esp Mr Lim) was fabulous with online classes. Mr Lim was able to hold my 9yo's attention for the duration of the 2-hours as well as teach effectively. My son's Science teacher was suitably impressed with his content mastery. Most importantly, my son is enthusiastic about the subject !
shayndel kwok 
Year 2021
mr lim provides us with extra materials and lessons when we need them & also makes sure we understand the topic
Year 2021
We just started Math & Science Classes with Mr Lim. Even though it have been less than 2 months and we had to do online zoom classes. But I really appreciate that Mr Lim goes the extra miles to ensure that my girl is able to keep up with it and the zoom classes were focused and engaging.
Adelene Chow 
Year 2021
With the covid-19 restrictions, AZKEN has been successful in switching to virtual online class. Yan Ni has attended both physical and online class and found that she was able to participate and pay attention during online class similar to physical class. AZKEN has been successful in engaging their learning both in their physical and online class. Thank you!
desiree chua 
Year 2021
With the pandemic still ongoing, physical classes has moved online. It is definitely more difficult to attend class online due to the distance but i feel that Mr Lim has done a great job in ensuring us students are able to keep up with him. He checks up on us to ensure our progress which i think it’s great.
David Pong 
Year 2021
Our son, Ian has been with Mr Ken Lim since primary school. He scored a A for his Math in his PSLE. Ian went back to him after a short break from Sec 2 onwards till Sec 4 this year where he has to sat his GCE'O level. It was quite a challenging year last year due to Covid. It didn't take him very long to quickly move the students to online learning. Our son scored 2 As for both his E and A Math. Ken Lim has been very passionate in this teaching throughout these years. I strongly recommend students who need help can consider to engage him.
Low Beverly 
Year 2021
I have been Mr Lim’s student since primary 4 and took my O levels in 2020. I obtained A1 for both A and E math. Throughout the years, Mr Lim made me more confident in my abilities and helped me improved my problem solving skills. Mr Lim’s firm nature help me to take my work seriously and allowed me do well in my studies. Mr Lim goes the extra mile to give me extra lessons and would not hesitate to help me anytime I needed it. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank Mr Lim for all that he has done for me.
flavian ho 
Year 2021
Mr Lim made sure I received the help and support I needed, through the supplementary classes that he offers to all his students who might lag behind in class. Mr Lim also rewards his students with gifts and also offers to drive them home, had it been late.
Evidently, AZKEN is a wholesome learning environment for all.
Thanks to Mr Lim's guidance, I saw myself, and the students around me greatly improve over time. Thanks Mr Lim!
Gwendoline Teo 
Year 2021
Here, I would like to thank you Mr Lim for my daughter results from failing of EMath and AMath beginning of the year 2020. So my girl joined him in March 2020. Mr Lim never gave up and continuing helping her with more lessons to pick up her weakness. We were so grateful that she scored A2 for E math and B3 for A Math. Yet she still entered to her preferred JC.
Puo Xuen KOR 
Year 2021
i have been in Mr Lim’s math class ever since i was in primary five and have continued with him til secondary four. Throughout the years Mr Lim have guided step by step, even when i was struggling to understand he would still try his best to make me understand and also gave me countless of extra lessons until i understood the chapters so this gave me what i needed to do well in math throughout these years. 10/10 will encourage/recommend to students who are struggling in math.
Toh Magdalene 
Year 2021
My son is with Mr Ken Lim since primary sch. Currently my son is in his sec education.
Mr Lim is a very responsible and he is Always there to assist the kids and always give extra lessons to help the kids.. we are blessed and grateful to have such a good tutor. Thanks alot..
Patricia Ng 
Year 2021
Hello Mr Lim
Thank you for being JinYee’s tutor since primary 3 and always making sure that she has ample practice so that she is well prepared for her examinations. Thank you for also targeting the topics that she is weaker at by providing extra lessons for her to ensure she has a well-rounded understanding of all the concepts being taught.
Chua Sophia 
Year 2021
I would like to express a big thank you to Mr Lim for his effort in teaching my girl in both her Maths and Science subject, from a barely pass to a A and B for her both subjects.
Hopping from a tuition centre to another, we finally found the ‘right’ one at Azken! Though Mr Lim can be rather a strict and stern teacher, but he is definitely one that full of humorous.
Frankly speaking, my girl doesn’t like it at all, she dislike tuition and doesn’t appreciate a strict teacher but inside her heart she knows that’s what she needs!
Her friends ask her where she went for her tuition and if it good. Without second thoughts she will recommend Azken. She sings high praise of the centre and Mr Ken though in front of her mother she put a black face about having to go for tuition ! What a adorable girl haha
Will Leong 
Year 2021
I joined Mr Lim's A&E Math class last year a month before my end of year examinations (EOYs). With little foundation in AMath then, Mr Lim provided with supplementary lessons on top of the weekly ones I had with him, to go through the basics of the subject at no additional costs. After my EOYs, he went the extra mile and revised with me all the sec 3 topics taught that year.

During test and exam periods, he prepares us thoroughly by giving us ample exercises and timed practices to ensure that we are ready for the assessment. In addition, he forks out time to go through topical revision individually with the students based on the topics they are weaker in.

He may be stern, but his teaching method is effective. He even cracks a few jokes during late-night lessons to keep the students going. With his help, my grades have improved tremendously since the time I joined him last year. (from an E8 to A1 in AMath and A2 to A1 in EMath) As long as the students are willing to improve, Mr Lim will do his best help them. Highly recommend!

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